Contact us Today!
Make Appointment Now!Cyber Technics offers complete lines of product and services for industrial, business applications with many years of engineering experience. We specialised in automating manufacturing systems to ensure that their production processes remain at the highest level of efficiency. The demands being placed on manufacturers in relation to production costs, product quality and business sustainability are ever increasing, and our primary aim is to assist you in being the most competitive supplier of your product to the highest level of quality in the worldwide marketplace, and to ensure that you continue to maintain your lead in the years ahead.
Our service allways reliable and secured. We are specialized in supply, designing, programing, testing, installation and commissioning of high end industrial plant and machineries leading to industry 4.0.
Also, we are the expertise in CNC machine controls. Our retrofitting comes with SIEMENS 808D, 808D Advanced, 828D or 840D
SL in line with your budget.
Talk to us. We will make it success.
Thanks to our experience, good market knowledge and global network of suppliers, your investment cost will be lower and our prices are compatetive too.
We offer highest grade of quality and original products directly from our global network of suppliers with 12 months warranty and 24/7 service.
With 30 years of knowledge on automation product and systems, we provide in depth technical consultation, so that you can purchase the correct product and systems .
With our efficient order processing and logistic management, we are able to deliver your orders on time. With our global netwok of suppliers, any obsolete item can be delivered with in short period of time.